Thank you to our 2019 Sponsors and Partners!
2019 Sponsorship Levels
Community Partner
2 admissions to each 2019 Summer Silo Series performance (dates TBA)
+2 seats at an intimate, invite-only, from-our-farm-to-our-table dinner (date TBA)
+Option to “Present” one of three Series performances (1st come 1st choice--only opportunities available!) and self-introduce your organization at the start of chosen performance
+Prominent Logo on a banner behind the silo stage all summer long and posted year-round in the farm store
+Shout outs from the stage before each performance
+Logo and links in our seasonal emails and on social media
+Logo on posters in the Kokomo/Tipton/Greentown/Marion vicinity
+Print material (as you provide) showcased in our farm store and in The Cottage, our steadily booked short-term rental house
2 admissions to each 2019 Summer Silo Series performance (dates TBA)
+2 seats at an intimate, invite-only, from-our-farm-to-our-table dinner (date TBA)
+Logo on a banner behind the silo stage all summer long and posted year-round in the farm store
+Shout outs from the stage before each performance
+Logo and links in our seasonal emails and on social media
+Logo on posters in the Kokomo/Tipton/Greentown/Marion vicinity
+Print material (as you provide) showcased in our farm "store" and in The Cottage, our steadily booked short-term rental house
2 admissions to each 2019 Summer Silo Series performance (dates TBA)
+Logo on a banner behind the silo stage all summer long and posted year-round in the farm store
+Shout outs from the stage before each performance
+Logo and links in our seasonal emails and on social media
+Logo on posters in the Kokomo/Tipton/Greentown/Marion vicinity
+Print material (as you provide) showcased in our farm "store" and in The Cottage, our steadily booked short-term rental house